Jan 5, 2022

Customer Encounter Testing

I enjoyed being a part of the #BlogATAhon2021 by Agile Testing Alliance. It was a great experience, and I got the chance to sharpen my writing skill.

It gives even more confidence and encouragement to participants like me when our Blogs are being officially published on the  website although we couldn't make up to the winning list. 

Thank you so much  team for respecting our efforts in participating in the #BlogATAhon2021.

Do check out #myBlog "Customer Encounter Testing" on the Agile Testing Alliance Community Website Link to Blog : https://gtr.agiletestingalliance.org/customer-encounter-testing/

Please do share your valuable Feedback and Encouragement in the comment section.

Here is my "Certificate of Participation"

#blogATAhon2021 #ATAGTR2021 #love_to_write #blogging #competition #participation

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