I am joining hands with The Test Chat Community towards their #21days21tips initiative
Here's my #Day1 tip
Document even little things at work. Taking note of minor things will enable a fruitful habit of noting down the question that seemed substantial to you, also this will at part later help in showcasing things that were missed, undefined, or any critical topics.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day1 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day2 tip
Agile Testing is about team spirit, collaboration, and effort. Maintaining a no-blame environment always allows the team to be more open to learning and encourages them to invest time in enhancing one's skillset.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day2 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day3 tip
While designing the Test Strategy it's always good to collaborate with developers. Having a good communication line with developers during Test Strategy design can do wonders for making the testing smooth, this will help to share effective ideas in the kick start phase.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day3 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day4 tip
Don’t just rely on written communication, while working with people from different parts of the world (i.e virtual team), many a time written communication causes misunderstandings, have a good practice of taking up calls and scheduling meetings this can make things work faster.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day4 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day5 tip
Instead of spending time writing many test cases, focus on writing productive test cases. At times we Testers are more fascinated to run a lot of Testcases during our execution time, but rather than that let's write limited yet more effective Testcases and make are Test Execution worth it.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day5 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day6 tip - Take your time, never hurry up in Testing.
At times we might feel that the testing can be done quickly, but the point here is will it hold that amount of quality in your testing? A simple requirement that needs to be tested might require the most creative thinking, so always don't rush yourself, use your time productively.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day6 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day7 tip
Always make sure to put yourself in the target user’s shoes and think about how you would use the product while you're testing.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day7 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day8 tip
While rasing BUGS keep it detailed and clear. Lack of clarity leads to misunderstanding and slows down the debugging process. Also, make sure to describe your bugs meaningfully in simple words.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day8 #tipoftheday
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day9 tip
Your Test Preparation should always start by spending some time exploring the software. Make a habit of preparing some graphical models on the features and requirements to be tested, this will likely help you to uncover features that you may not be aware of.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day9 #tipoftheday
DAY 10
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day10 tip
We Testers are not always meant to just report the bugs, be the change - try to troubleshoot the root cause of the failure this will eventually lead you to the solution of the problem. The team you work with will be benefited from this and you in turn will be respected if you not only log the bugs but also provide solutions.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day10 #tipoftheday
DAY 11
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day11 tip
While Testing make a practice to note down the new concepts you learn, track your testing progress, make note of the testing observations. This habit will help you to provide a clear test summary report at the later part of the Testing phase.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day11 #tipoftheday
DAY 12
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day12 tip
It's always a good practice to share your testing experience whether good or bad with other testers in your organization.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day12 #tipoftheday
DAY 13
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day13 tip - It's OK to admit your mistakes
Admit your mistakes, and always be confident in all the tasks you do. Learn from your mistakes and avoid doing them again.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day13 #tipoftheday
DAY 14
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day14 tip - Networking is always good in career path
Connect with people in the same and even different professions. Build a strong network, this will help you to stay updated and even learn new things.
Join hands with Communitites who bring out the best in you. Here are some amazing Testing Communities who currently making an impact in Testing field, TTC , Synapse, QA Talks, TTN, Test Tribe.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day14 #tipoftheday
DAY 15
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day15 tip
Sharing your knowledge with other or people in need is a great service. It gives you an opportunity to think about others and not just yourself. Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life. It’s about what you inspire others to do. Let's inspire by investing out time and effort for the betterment of someone in need.
Here is one such non-profit mentoring platform The Mentoring Club gUG making global mentors accessible to everyone. I have been connected to this wonderful team from 2021 and helping people where I can, why don't you join too.
To add to this list, WomenTech Network is another platform empowering women in tech empowering women in tech. Happy to be connected with them always.
Kudos to such organizations who invest their time and effort for the betterment of others.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day15 #tipoftheday
DAY 16
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day16 tip
The habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Try to inbuilt this habit, read as many books, blogs, articles, news related to software testing and its trends. Stay tuned with the latest Software Testing trends, this will eventually keep you motivated and knowledgeable in the field you work in and will benefit you in many ways.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day16 #tipoftheday
DAY 17
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day17 tip
Be passionate about what you do. A Passionate person will always have something unique to contribute to whatever work he/she does. Also being passionate can spread positivity around the people you engage with.
So let's be passionate about what we do and create a similar vibe among others.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day17 #tipoftheday
DAY 18
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day18 tip
Have a habit of maintaining a common personal repository for capturing all your Test Deliverables. It’s good practice to keep all of your important resources in one place in your personal drive at work. You might need to revisit them later for some valid reason or to retrospect the work later.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day18 #tipoftheday
DAY 19
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day19 tip
Provide continuous feedback about the health of the application under test. When issues are reported early, they can be fixed faster. If the feedback loop is delayed it becomes more difficult and time-consuming to identify the root cause of the issue. This is an important objective of testing in an agile environment.
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day19 #tipoftheday
DAY 20
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Here's my #Day20 tip
Test cases are an important part of the software testing process. Writing clear test cases, much like writing clear bug reports is very important.
Here is a useful article on tips for Designing Better Test Cases:
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day20 #tipoftheday
DAY 21
#21days21tips initiative by The Test Chat Community
Today marks the last day for the super cool initiative by The Test Chat Community, it was a fun and learning experience being a part of it. Got to collect many useful tips from amazing people from different communities, this even opened doors for networking with new buddies. Thankful to The Test Chat Community for enabling this.
Now to end up, Here's my #Day21 tip - Learning is a never-ending process
To have an unquenchable thirst for learning, you’d need to look at yourself before and compare it with how you are right now. Is there anything you’ve done in the past year that seemed stupid and wrong, or you found to be really difficult, but now it’s easy? If you can’t answer these questions, chances are that you’re not learning enough, in that scenario try to infuse learning into your everyday life, “Be a student. Always.”
“Never stop to learn and never learn to stop.” Continuously strive to learn new things and never be contented with what you know.
Happy Learning ๐ Happy Testing ๐
#testing #thetestchat #21days21tips #day21 #tipoftheday