Dec 31, 2020

2020 WRAP UP!!!

2020 started with the devastating global pandemic, which continues to bring the world to a standstill. This year has been unprecedented for a number of reasons, with the COVID-19 crisis looming large. The good news is that we’ve almost made it to the end of 2020! Between the global pandemic, stock market volatility, lockdowns, and economic downturn by HIS GRACE we all managed to keep it going.

Professional pathway this year has been cool, where got to learn new technology and put my legs into the 'API Testing' world, away from the usual road of my Testing journey. Grateful to my company Billennium who gave me this opportunity to play around in 'API Testing' and to POSTMAN and its Community for being a mentor to date.

All this motivated me to write my own BLOG on 'API Testing' with some add-ons although being a Begineer 😇 Here is the link: do check it out 😇

Hoping and Praying 2021 will be a safe and growing year for all of us!

Have a great year ahead!!!
Prayerful New Year!!!
Welcome 2021💥

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