Professional pathway this year has been cool, where got to learn new technology and put my legs into the 'API Testing' world, away from the usual road of my Testing journey. Grateful to my company Billennium who gave me this opportunity to play around in 'API Testing' and to POSTMAN and its Community for being a mentor to date.
Dec 31, 2020
2020 WRAP UP!!!
Professional pathway this year has been cool, where got to learn new technology and put my legs into the 'API Testing' world, away from the usual road of my Testing journey. Grateful to my company Billennium who gave me this opportunity to play around in 'API Testing' and to POSTMAN and its Community for being a mentor to date.
Dec 3, 2020
API Testing 'A Beginners View': Environment and Variables In POSTMAN
In this post let’s try to have a better understanding of the Environment and Variables in POSTMAN
Let’s start with Variables: A variable is a bucket that holds values that can be changed. Suppose you are developing a mobile application. There are some values that will be used throughout the application or some values might be unique to a functionality. Hardcoding of values everywhere in the design is not a good practice in such situations variables can be used. Define a variable as per your need i.e. locally or globally and use its referenced name wherever needed. If you are required to update the value of a variable, just update the value where you have declared. Everywhere updated values will be used.
The same concept applies to Postman. We have many usages of variables in Postman. Let's check out a few of them:
- In our day-to-day work life, we might need to test systems in different environments like QA, Dev, Stage, etc which would have a different set of domains. Here variables make our job easier. We can store the domain name as per environment in a variable and can call that variable here.
- We can use variables at several places to make it parameterized such as Query- parameters, headers, authorization, request body.
- Variables can be used to chain requests in the collection. Extracting data from response, storing, and using it for another request as input are possible by using variables.
- Variables can also be used in Pre-request and Tests Scripts.
Next, Let’s Understand Environment: Environment in POSTMAN is a set of variables that can be assigned a value and used during your work. The environment is tied to the current operating environment: each operating environment has its own POSTMAN environment. To visualize this, I have created an “API Testing 'A Beginners View'” environment with some variables.
There are two columns for the variable's value. The only difference is that if you share your environment with your team, then the value from the first column will be shared.
Let's check out some usage of Environments:
- We can create, share, duplicate, export, and delete an environment.
- You can download it as JSON.
- Variables defined in an Environment are Local variables. It means you cannot use variables of an environment in another environment. To solve this we have another type of variable called Global variables. Global variables do not belong to specific environments. It is available in all scopes. You can not select multiple environments at the same time. In that case, Global variables will be helpful.
Nov 4, 2020
API Testing 'A Beginners View': JavaScript - Array.prototype.find() and Array.prototype.findIndex()
The find() method returns the value of the first value of the array to be tested which passes the condition specified. It checks all the values in the array and whichever value satisfies the condition first would be picked and displayed in the output. If the value is not found it returns undefined.
Let's check out some examples to understand it better;
Example1: Using Arrow Function
Response Body:
"args": {},
"data": {
"FirstName": [
"value": "{{RandomFirstName}}"
"Specialty": [
"name": "NEUROLOGY",
"experience": "2"
"name": "Dermatology",
"experience": "2"
"name": "Ortho",
"experience": "2"
"files": {},
"form": {},
"headers": {
"x-forwarded-proto": "https",
"x-forwarded-port": "443",
"host": "",
"x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-5fd86d42-7d196eb86048629c2b3ea2ca",
"content-length": "288",
"content-type": "application/json",
"user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.26.8",
"accept": "*/*",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"postman-token": "065034d3-4e05-4d1b-872d-382f2579524d",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"cookie": "sails.sid=s%3A6n5cRYOmPZd0CgxhkfCCHO6rFlTzSFfw.9ZTgkbZcBTzwWSiBLXKE%2BktjLAb6IdSuIMFNxLxnK9Y"
"json": {
"FirstName": [
"value": "{{RandomFirstName}}"
"Specialty": [
"name": "NEUROLOGY",
"experience": "2"
"name": "Dermatology",
"experience": "2"
"name": "Ortho",
"experience": "2"
"url": ""
Test Script:
Console Output:
Console Output:
The explanation for the above examples:
The above example is based on an array that has three values to it as below:
I have used the ‘find’ method in two different ways to identify the object that satisfies the conditions:
- name === 'NEUROLOGY'
- name === 'Dermatology'
After execution, the output returns the value which satisfied the condition.
In continuation of the above feature, if we need to know the index of the element that we found, this can be done by the findIndex() method. It returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the condition we provide. If no element passes the test condition, it returns -1.
Example: In continuation to the above snippet when we add the below code, index will be returned
//How to find the index of the result
Console Output:
Oct 26, 2020
API Testing 'A Beginners View': JavaScript - Array.prototype.length
"length" is a property of arrays in JavaScript. It returns the number of values in an array.
The value returned by this property is always an integer. We can define the length property to an array at any time. When we extend an array by changing its length property, the number of actual values increases; for example, if we set length to 4 when it is currently 3, the array now contains 4 values, which causes the third value to be a non-iterable empty holder.
Response Body:
Test Script:
Console Output:
Happy Learning 😇
Oct 19, 2020
API Testing 'A Beginners View': JavaScript unshift() Method
The unshift() method adds one or more values at the start of an array. If multiple values are passed in parameters, then all values are inserted at once at the beginning of the array, by the same order the parameters were passed.
arr.unshift(value1[, ...[, valueN]])
valueN: The values that need to be added in front of the array.
Response Body:
Test Script:
Console Output:
In the above example, I used the previous post split() method ( and continued to add the unshift() method to append more values at the start of the array. The accept_encoding.unshift()method is used to add values at the start of the array ‘accept_encoding’.
Important Notes:
Invoking unshift with n values all at once, or invoking it n different times with 1 value at a time will not yield the same results.
Let me explain with examples.
Snippet 1:
Console Output '1' will look as below:
Splited values are: entities,1atqyUfo
▶(1) ["1atqyUfo"]
Based on the above snippet, here the push() method will push the value of index 1 from the splitted string to array entityArr and output would be as ["1atqyUfo"] as seen in the output section.
To this, if I add the unshift() method as below:
Snippet 2:
Console Output now will be as below:
Splited values are: entities,1atqyUfo
▶(2) ["Array Begin", "1atqyUfo"]
Here the unshift() method will add the string ‘Array Begin’ to the start of the array as seen in the output section.
Again if I add multiple values all at once to the same array using unshift() method as below, look how my console output will change:
Snippet 3:
Console Output now will be as below:
Splited values are: entities,1atqyUfo
▶(5) ["Value1", "Value2", "Value3", "Array Begin", "1atqyUfo"]
Here the multiple values are added to the start of the array as we passed with unshift() method.
Now comes a twist, let’s pass few more values one by one again to the same array as below:
Snippet 4:
Console Output now will be as below:
Value is inserted first come first shift basis.
Happy Learning 😇