Mar 9, 2021

API Testing 'A Beginners View': Response Validation With Assertions | Quick Guide on Assertions

The most important step in any API development is to check its functionality whether it is constructed to simulate the use of the API by end-user applications and fulfill the provided business requirements. There are several API testing frameworks and tools for getting the job done. Postman is one such tool that is handy and easy to use and offers features like create and send any HTTP requests, write test cases to validate response data, response times, analyze the responses sent by the API, create integration test suites and integrate with build systems.

Today we will discuss the commonly used Assertions while validating responses in POSTMAN.

Before jumping into the Test Scripts, let’s know some facts on Assertions.

Assertions: Assertion is nothing but code that can be used to check or analyze the response that is received from the server. An assertion is a code written in javascript in Postman that is executed after receiving the response. Assertions help us to assert that expected and actual values should match during a test run. If the actual and expected values don't match, then the test will fail with the output pointing to the failure.

Test cases in Postman:
(Note: In the Postman app, the request builder at the top contains the Tests tab where you write your tests. The response viewer at the bottom contains a corresponding Test Results tab where you can view the results of your tests)

To start building test cases quickly, commonly-used snippets are listed below.
Response to be asserted:
        "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP",
        "tags": [
            "Jency Test Data",
            "Integration Testing",
        "attributes": {
            "Country": {
                "value": "Brazil"
            "TypeCode": {
                "value": "Nurse"
            "FirstName": {
                "value": "Daniele"
            "LastName": {
                "value": "Bedward 2021-03-09 03:55:47"
            "Prefix": {
                "value": "MISS."
            "Gender": {
                "value": "Polygender"
            "StatusIMS": {
                "value": "Active"
            "PresumedDead": {
                "value": "false"
            "InternationalHCP": {
                "value": "FALSE"
            "ClinicalTrials": {
                "value": "false"
            "PrivacyPreferences": [
                    "value": {
                        "OptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "AllowedToContact": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "PhoneOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "EmailOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "FaxOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "VisitOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "TextMessageOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "MailOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "RemoteOptOut": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "OptOutOneKey": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "KeyOpinionLeader": {
                            "value": "false"
                        "ResidentIndicator": {
                            "value": "false"
            "Specialities": [
                    "value": {
                        "SpecialtyType": {
                            "value": "Primary"
                        "Specialty": {
                            "value": "ENDOSCOPY"
                        "Rank": {
                            "value": 1
                        "PrimarySpecialtyFlag": {
                            "value": "true"
            "ValidationStatus": {
                "value": "Valid"
            "IsBlackListed": {
                "value": "false"
            "RequiresAttention": {
                "value": "false"
            "TriggerDCR": {
                "value": "false"
            "Address": [
                    "value": {
                        "PrimaryAffiliation": {
                            "value": "TRUE"
                        "AddressType": {
                            "value": "Private Practice"
                        "Country": {
                            "value": "Brazil"
                        "AddressLine1": {
                            "value": "100 Main Street"
                        "City": {
                            "value": "Rio de Janeiro"
                        "StateProvince": {
                            "value": "RJ"
                        "Zip": [
                                "value": {
                                    "Zip5": {
                                        "value": 10000
                        "VerificationStatus": {
                            "value": "Partially Verified"
                        "ValidationStatus": {
                            "value": "Valid"
                        "Status": {
                            "value": "Active"
                        "AVC": {
                            "value": "P22-I44-P2-100"
Assertions to the above response is as below:
var resp = JSON.parse(responseBody);

//assert response time
pm.test("Response time Check"function () {

//assert response status code
pm.test("Response is OK"function () 
//assert - For checking status being BAD REQUEST
pm.test("Bad Request Check"function () {;

// assert on response and response type
pm.test("Response should be okay to process"function () {;

// assert on Response Header
pm.test("Content-Type is present"function () {"Content-Type");

//assert on multiple status code
pm.test("Successful POST request"function () {

//assert on an array
for (var i = 0;i<resp[0].tags.length;i++
    console.log("Length of array is: " + resp[0].tags.length);
    console.log("Index Value during iteration is: " + i);
    pm.test("Tag is: " + resp[0].tags[i], function () 
        pm.expect((resp[0].tags[i]) != null);
    console.log("Tag is: " + resp[0].tags[i]);

//compare value of a response with an already defined variable
// Getting values from response
var FirstName = resp[0].attributes.FirstName;
// Saving the value for later use
pm.test("Variable usage check"function () {

You can also write your own custom tests in JavaScript using "Chia Assertion Library": Click Me.

Note: The above snippet is appended in my public Collection “API Testing 'A Beginners View'”

This posts will be continued with more "Assertions" in the coming days…

Until then…
Happy Testing 😇

Mar 8, 2021

International Women's Day 2021 : #ChooseToChallenge

International Women's Day 2021

A day solely dedicated to celebrate the presence of women in our lives, the anchor amidst all the chaos, our lovely beautiful Women's out there, who ask for nothing in return, but to give their everything to the ones they love, International Women’s Day is the opportunity to pay them back in love, respect, and appreciation. 

Wishing all women a very Happy Women's Day #womensday #womensday2021 

#ChooseToChallenge: "challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change".

Mar 5, 2021

API Testing 'A Beginners View': A Journal on API Testing

If you ever read tech magazines or blogs, you’ve probably seen the abbreviation API. It sounds solid, but what does it mean and why should you bother?
Let’s start with a simple example: human communication. We can express our thoughts, needs, and ideas through language (written and spoken), gestures, or facial expressions. Interaction with computers, apps, and websites requires user interface components – a screen with a menu and graphical elements, a keyboard, and a mouse.

Software or its elements don’t need a graphical user interface to communicate with each other. Software products exchange data and functionalities via machine-readable interfaces – APIs (application programming interfaces).

To know more here is the "One platter of API Testing": API Testing Tutorial
This document is specially designed by my Colleague Pricilla for Beginners to understand the basics of API and API Testing in simple terms. A very useful article to have a look at. 

Also you check more articles by her at

Until we connect again!!!
Happy Testing!!!

Mar 2, 2021

API Testing 'A Beginners View': Everything about ‘Postman Student Expert Program’

Hey Guys!!! Greetings For The Day!!!

Postman Student Expert Program is designed to help students get trained on APIs and educate their peers. Postman Student Experts are proficient in the essential skills involved in building and testing API requests in Postman.

As a Postman Student Expert, you will receive API and Postman training created by the Postman team. Postman Student Expert Badge to showcase online and future employers. Exclusive access to Postman meetups and events like Postman Galaxy, the Postman user conference.

Do check out more information on Postman Student Expert Program here

To enroll yourself in the program Click Here

My Personal Experience on Postman Student Expert Program: This program is a great initiative of the POSTMAN team, I really enjoyed the entire training and assessment process, it's self-paced easy to follow, and get through the module. Every single request is interesting. On completion of my training and assessment, I received my Open Badge ‘Postman Student Expert’ Badge. You can share the Open Badge all over the web, including posting it to your social media feeds and adding it to your LinkedIn profile as certification so that potential employers and connections see it! I did mine.

So here you can view my Postman Student Expert Badge.

Happy to share this useful article!
Have a great day! 😇